Soomoos is a Public Limited Company with a Board of Directors consisting of 8 Senegalese experts from the world of business and research. Soomoos is a digital platform for data convergence that proposes to innovate the way data is collected and processed in Senegal and Africa. Whether you a researcher in need of data for research or publication purposes, or whether you represent a consulting firm, a private company, a governmental or non-governmental organization, a research lab, a university, an international or regional institution, Soomoos is your partner of choice. Soomoos allows you to get your data collected and/or analyzed at the local, national or continental levels. Soomoos experts may also design your business plan or carry out your market research. Political actors are not left behind. They can order notoriety or opinion polls. Companies can also enjoy the benefits of our consumer and distributor panels. Just register as an individual or on behalf of your organization on our homepage and start benefiting from our advantageous and unmatched rates.

Our interviewers are residents scattered on the entire national territory, who live and are connected to the realities of the region, city or village where they are deployed. The advantage? Our surveys are done faster, they are more reliable, and less expensive in terms of logistics. And since this efficiency is reflected on our rates, ordering a survey at SOOMOOS offers our customers an unmatched price / quality ratio. In short, SOOMOOS offers its customers to collect and/or process data in a faster, more reliable, and less expensive fashion.

At Soomoos we systematically check the reliability of the collected data. On the one hand, we achieve this by the constant verification of the integrity of our interviewers. On the other hand, by means of conformity checks carried out after the passage of the interviewers, according to a precise methodology. The execution and control technologies used by Soomoos before, during and after data collection are exclusive and innovative. With Soomoos, coding errors, which are typical of traditional surveys, are a thing of the past.

For the first time in Senegal and in the sub-region, data collection campaigns do not involve agents recruited occasionally and then deployed to places that are foreign to them. At Soomoos, our invterviewers do not leave their town or village. According to the needs of the campaign, we activate those of them who live in the targeted areas to realize the surveys at the source and collect the relevant information. Thus, regardless of whether your survey targets Dakar, Tambacounda or the entire national territory, sample representativeness is guaranteed and interviewer biases and are minimized.

With technology like ours and the network of interviewers that we have, Soomoos promises to collect and analyze your data in the shortest time frame.

Because excellence is our motto, we make sure that the interviewers we send on the ground are qualified. We thus have a network of qualified interviewers throughout the national territory. To our non-graduate recruits, we offer free and synchronized training at three levels. At the end of the synchronized training, successful candidates earn a certificate. Soomoos has interviewers in all the cities of Senegal who may also be deployed in villages. Our interviewers speak French or local languages depending of the survey requirements.

To become an interviewer or panelist at SOOMOOS, we invite candidates to register on our home page. Among our interviewers, we have professional interviewers as well as regular agents to whom we offer free training prior to their first assignment.


Name Position
Dr. Amdy FALL Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Lat Soukabé NDOUR Deputy CEO, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Ginette CARVALHO Chief Operating Officer (COO)
El Hadji Demba FALL Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Mamadou SYLLA Studies Director
Dr. Sileye Oumar BA Research Manager
Amadou CAMARA Application Manager